Minerals are non-metal raw materials that are usually mined by blasting at the quarries. These include in particular war materials for mass construction such as gravel, sands and natural stones, clays and clayey rocks for the manufacture of ceramic products, gypsum and anhydrite as well as quartz minerals that are used by highly technical industries.
After the material has been crushed or milled the next step is to screen it in order to remove foreign objects and cut it to the desired size of the final product. This can be achieved by dry or wet screening.
A particular challenge for the screen division and surface is the high abrasiveness of minerals. Mining screens made of polyurethane are significantly more robust than other materials and are therefore perfectly suited for processing mineral resources. We recommend to use our polypanel® polyurethane sieves for screen cuts larger than 1 mm. For smaller screen cuts simply use our polymesh® polyurethane screens.